
‘ Books are the imprints of an imaginative mind and mark of thoughtful endeavors towards society.’

Books and libraries are synonymous with a progressive civilization. Since the times infinite,when the human communities learnt the power of expression,manuscripts,books and journals became the tool of recording the attributes and achievements. A library is not a mere collection of books,it is a comprehensive catalogue of events,emotions and human enterprise.Our school library is an incubation zone for broadening horizons and building perspectives. Students explore the organised space of the library to embark on the journey of reading. Each period slot dedicated to the library is a self nourishing exercise that bears the fruits in present and future.

Comprising of a spacious hall, stacks of enriching books and student appropriate furniture, the ambience of Titiksha’s library is positive and vibrant. Such is the buzz of the library that young minds get enthused to reach their optimum. Under the competent supervision of the Librarian,milestones are set and the vision of the school takes the shape of reality. The ultimate goal of the library is to equip the students to read, reflect and reform the growth pathways of the future.As globizens, Titikshians are determined to radiate the empowering lessons from the legacy of books.
